But Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and countless others give hope for a return to traditional free market and First Amendment values upon which America was founded.
It's difficult to discuss the insolvency of the country with your average person, especially a liberal Democrat who have never been weaned off quantitative easing. My only response to them is the country is going to end and how badly it ends depends on fiscal prudence. I mean, it's really over for us and the amount of tax payer debt created to funnel wealth to corrupt politicians and banking is astounding. Catherine Austin Fitts says it's about 30 trillion that is off the books and in budgets that go into the ozone.My only advice is to not have children and pray your lifestyle can continue it's moderate and slow decline until you pass. The moral corruption of the political class makes Democratic representation almost a waste of time
It's difficult to discuss the insolvency of the country with your average person, especially a liberal Democrat who have never been weaned off quantitative easing. My only response to them is the country is going to end and how badly it ends depends on fiscal prudence. I mean, it's really over for us and the amount of tax payer debt created to funnel wealth to corrupt politicians and banking is astounding. Catherine Austin Fitts says it's about 30 trillion that is off the books and in budgets that go into the ozone.My only advice is to not have children and pray your lifestyle can continue it's moderate and slow decline until you pass. The moral corruption of the political class makes Democratic representation almost a waste of time