Along the lines of a recent piece John wrote on Substack titled “Exposing the Empire’s Secrets in Real Time,” he discusses his thoughts about the shocking revelation of how the tax dollars of U.S. Citizens have been recklessly spent. USAID has been used as an out of sight vehicle to hide government expenditures from the people and to empower financially and politically the creatures who live and breathe inside the Beltway Swamp at the expense of average Americans.
What John talks about cuts at the heart of the current conflict in America. Those empowered through USAID and other government agencies yet to be exposed have changed the definition of democracy to mean the institutions they run at the exclusion of common citizens. Like all tyrants, the Swamp denies the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence that political power in the United States is required to flow up from the people to those they elect rather than down from dictatorial elite institutions.
John believes there is now a chance that the U.S. can return to a democratic republic as defined in the U.S. Constitution. If that fails, we will be heading rapidly toward the complete destruction of our Constitution toward the kind of government the tyranny the American colonies were freed from in 1776 by some very brave patriots who loved freedom and liberty enough to risk their lives to expel a tyrant named King George III.
You can sign up for John Rubino’s Substack letter at I hope you enjoy my interview with John which airs at 12:00 noon today.
Best wishes,
Jay Taylor
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