Those of us who hold gold and gold shares might be tempted to place our faith in this world’s goods, gold being the safest and most secure store of wealth. And if we purchased gold back in the day when it was $38/oz or even in the early 2000s when it was selling at $250 per ounce, we might be tempted to look at the monthly chart above and think, “Wow! Look at my profits! Now I’m safe!” But nothing could be further from the truth, for a couple of reasons. First, gold has not risen. An ounce of gold is an ounce of gold, as it has always been. What is happening is that the dollar is more and more rapidly becoming worthless so that it now takes more than $2,500 to buy one ounce of gold. As the dollar heads toward zero, so will America’s wealth and international hegemony. That won’t be good for most Americans in general, though some at the top who are arranging America’s demise might do alright, until they meet their Maker.
But an equally big reason not to put your faith in gold and other material possessions is because America’s freedom and liberty is being destroyed not only by massive money printing, but also by a soft coup from the massive unelected bureaucracy that is working with all it has to destroy our Constitution and usher what is left of America into an international socialist dictatorship. Prizewinning journalist Michael Shellenberger is a former Democrat among a growing number of freethinking Democrat intellectuals, who are leaving the party because they are sincerely worried that the days of freedom and liberty written into our Constitution are rapidly coming to an end. If all our liberties are taken away, what good is a mountain of gold? While the mainstream media has everyone focused on Trump as a threat to democracy in a three-card-monte-like scheme, the takedown of America is not from Trump or Putin or even Chairman Xi. It is occurring via the Military Industrial Complex (now known as The Deep State), which President Eisenhower warned Americans about as he was handing the Presidency over to John F. Kennedy, who wrongly assumed he was actually the Commander in Chief.
When Elon Musk purchased Twitter because he was appalled at the censorship forced on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other media platforms, he opened censored Twitter files to Michael Shellenberger and others including Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, Lee Fang, David Zweig, and Alex Berenson. What all of these people had in common was that they were mainstream Democrats who saw that their party was in the process of a radical and rapid destruction of the guarantees granted to American citizens, the most basic and important of which is the First Amendment. Upon reading the tweet on Thursday morning from Shellenberger, I felt compelled to pass its contents along to you, because what he is saying is absolutely true. More importantly, what he is saying is a direct threat to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, including the right to own personal property.
Remember, just this week, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sent a letter to Congressman Jim Jordan admitting that the Biden Administration pressured Facebook to censor doctors who disagreed with Biden’s Covid policies, and to cancel (censor) reporters and reports about the Hunter Biden laptop; to delete references to Hunter’s involvement on the board of Burisma in exchange for favors from his father, then-Vice President Biden—who eventually and boastfully had a lawful Ukrainian prosecutor fired to keep him from investigating corruption at Burisma. (We’ve all seen the video footage of Biden bragging like a big shot about it to an audience of Foreign Relations members!)
But here are Shellenberger’s remarks that demonstrate how close America is to the edge of a Marxist, anti-property-rights dictatorship:
“Many people saw the letter that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sent to Rep. Jim Jordan earlier this week as old news. In 2022, Zuckerberg told Joe Rogan that Facebook had limited the spread of the New York Post story about the Hunter Biden laptop in response to information from the FBI. ‘The FBI basically came to us and was like, Hey, you should be on high alert. We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election; we have it on notice that basically, there’s about to be some kind of dump that’s similar to that.’”
“In fact, Zuckerberg’s letter went further than what he told Rogan in 2022 because he specifically mentioned Burisma, the Ukrainian natural gas company Hunter Biden worked for. Zuckerberg wrote, ‘The FBI warned us about a potential Russian disinformation operation about the Biden family and Burisma in the lead up to the 2020 election.’
“As a result of this, I now feel comfortable saying that the evidence is overwhelming that both the FBI and CIA violated a surveillance law, spread disinformation, and deliberately interfered in the 2020 election.
“Nobody at the FBI or CIA has gone to prison or even been properly investigated for their crimes. And yet the evidence shows that the FBI and CIA broke the Wiretap Act and the Hatch Act of 1939, which prohibits federal employees from using their official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the outcome of an election.
“First, the FBI violated the Wiretap Act when it misused information it had obtained from spying on Rudy Giuliani. The FBI knew that the New York Post story about the Hunter Biden laptop would be coming out because it [the FBI] was listening to Giuliani’s telephone calls.
“The Wiretap Act, formally known as Title III of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, requires that information obtained through a wiretap can only be used for purposes directly related to the investigation for which the wiretap was authorized. Misusing or improperly disclosing this information can result in criminal penalties for the individuals involved, and the evidence obtained can be excluded from court proceedings. The FBI both misused and improperly disclosed the information.
“Second, the FBI spread disinformation—information it knew to be false—in order to interfere in an election. The FBI warned Facebook, Twitter, and others that forthcoming information about Burisma and Biden was Russian disinformation. The FBI knew that the Hunter Biden laptop wasn’t Russian disinformation because it had already had the laptop in its possession for 10 months and was spying on Giuliani. The FBI knew that the laptop was what it appeared to be: something obtained by a computer repair store owner after Hunter Biden brought it in and never came back for it.
“The FBI’s effort to interfere in the elections was elaborate. The FBI or an intermediary may have enlisted Vivian Schiller of the Aspen Institute to spread disinformation about Hunter Biden and Burisma before the New York Post published.
“Schiller hosted two Zoom meetings with journalists and social media executives, including one in September that Twitter’s top censor, Yoel Roth, attended. The apparent goal of the Aspen workshops was to program the journalists and social media executives to think that the Hunter Biden laptop was likely Russian disinformation and that they should censor the story, not cover it, or make the story about the Russians rather than the contents of the laptop.
“Inside Twitter, Jim Baker, the former general counsel of the FBI who became Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel a few weeks earlier, made the case to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story. Twitter’s top censor, Yoel Roth, who had attended the Aspen workshop, told a colleague that “this feels a lot like a somewhat subtle leak operation.” Still, Roth concluded, “it isn’t clearly violative of our Hacked Materials Policy, nor is it clearly in violation of anything else.”
“Baker repeatedly insisted that the Hunter Biden materials were either faked, hacked, or both and a violation of Twitter policy.
“It’s inconceivable that Baker believed the Hunter Biden emails were either fake or hacked. The New York Post article had included a picture of the receipt signed by Hunter Biden, and an FBI subpoena showed that the agency had taken possession of the laptop in December 2019.
“And yet, within a few hours, Baker had convinced Roth and others that Twitter should censor the Hunter Biden story. “The suggestion from experts—which rings true—is there was a hack that happened separately, and they loaded the hacked materials on the laptop that magically appeared at a repair shop in Delaware,” claimed Roth.
“A few hours after Baker’s victory, he arranged a phone conversation with Matthew J. Perry in his former office, the Office of the General Counsel of the FBI.
“What about the CIA? We now know that Donald Trump’s Director of the CIA, Gina Haspel, participated in the disinformation and election inference effort.”
Given these facts, is there any question why the Heritage Foundation, which stands for conservative American values, would suggest that Trump clean house if he is elected? Why would he keep the same people around him who previously stabbed him in the back?
If you guessed that I am hopeful Trump will prevail in the 2024 elections you are right. And I’m grateful for the growing number of well-known Democrats like RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard not to mention the author of the above quoted tweet, Michael Shellenberger” who are joining forces to try to save America along with a growing number of other Democrat intellectuals and journalists who see the destruction of our Constitution. I hope they succeed! But I have my doubts because of the destruction of America’s moral compass compliments of anti-capitalist, anti-Christian Marxist propaganda now dominant in virtually all America’s institutions including universities, Hollywood, the Mainstream Media, the Military, Corporate boardrooms and being politicized by thousands of government workers who get paid to register illegal immigrants to vote. Even to a very great extent, American churches have opted not to value our Declaration of Independence that declared that our rights written into the Constitution are granted by our Creator, not by King George or any other mere human. As G.K. Chesterton noted, “It is only by believing in God that we can ever criticize the Government. Once abolished…God, and the Government becomes the God. That fact is written all across human history….The truth is that Irreligion is the opium of the people. Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world. But, above all, they will worship the strongest thing in the world.”
Donald Trump is not the strongest thing in the world! The Deep State wants you to think “Trump is Hitler” so you don’t focus on them. They control virtually every American institution and they have lost sight of the fact that our government was founded by the people and for the people. It was a populist government from its very beginning! The Constitution empowers the people, not the ruling elite! And those of us who are standing up for traditional values know very well that our very lives may be threatened for opposing the self-proclaimed gods of the State. But there is eternal hope beyond the grave if one places trust in God, Creator of the Universe, who by his nature is love and truth. He holds universal control from the creation until He decides to close the curtain on the universe. Those who place their trust in Him will inherit eternal life in Heaven, even if Satanic forces totally extinguish if on earth.
As I worry about America’s future and the future of our grandchildren, I recall a recent homily by Bishop Robert Barron, titled “People of Faith See Things Differently”; people of faith see what God is up to. Bishop Barron pulled his remarks from the prophecy of Ezekiel, who recorded the greatest disaster in biblical history—that being the sacking of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. Ezekiel saw this disaster as a blessing because he had faith in God that this event would ultimately lead to salvation as it did around 600 years later after the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, who in effect gave birth not only to Christianity for the next 2+ centuries but also provided the ultimate safe haven, not for a mere 100-year life span some people enjoy, but for eternity to all who believe.
Only God knows for sure who will win the 2024 election in America and what will transpire afterward. Based on the kind of freedom and prosperity we have enjoyed in the past, thanks to a considerable degree of Judaeo-Christian faith combined with what was at one time free market capitalism, by comparison, the future if trends of the past several decades persists looks very dark. It seems obvious we are heading toward the decimation of the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as set out in the Declaration of Independence and willed to us in the U.S. Constitution. But if we live by faith in God and not by sight, in the end, hope abounds for a future far brighter than anything we can imagine in this world.
So, the bottom line is this. At least for this moment in time, Americans still have some rights to hold private property albeit one that is in rapid decline. So we can still own gold and gold shares which protects us against the rapidly depreciating purchasing power of the dollar thanks to deficit spending by politicians to win votes. Gold most certainly will retain its value and thus protect you from that form of confiscation assuming you are allowed to keep your gold. To the extent that vote buying process continues to accelerate it will likely end in totalitarian government with both a Marxist and fascist twist. After all, our current system is most displays the characteristics of economic fascism (i.e., an incestuous relationship between big corporations government as now admitted by Mark Zuckerberg) And we know from a review of the fate of the Soviet Union, in a totalitarian regime, even those who kiss the ring of the top thug will be largely unhappy slaves of the State, forfeiting the use of their own gifts and creative talents in exchange for sustaining their physical lives.
I hope and pray for a return toward the traditional values of America in this election. But in the end, the direction of our country is out of our hands. However, knowing that God is in charge, people of faith who “see things differently” can confidently sing the following words of a hymn titled that provides comfort no matter what comes our way:
“God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus; He came to love, heal and forgive; He lived and died to buy my pardon, an empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!
“Chorus Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives.”
How sweet to hold a newborn baby,And feel the pride, and joy he gives; But sweeter still the calm assurance,This child can face uncertain days because He lives.
“Chorus Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives.”
And then one day I'll cross the river, I'll fight life's final war with pain; And then as death gives way to victory, I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives.
“Chorus Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, Because He lives, all fear is gone; Because I know He holds the future, and life is worth the living just because He lives.”
Because our souls live on in a fashion similar to that of Jesus when he arose from the dead as witnessed by more than 500 living people a bit more than 2,000 years ago we too have reason for hope no matter what happens this November and beyond.
Best wishes,
Jay Taylor
Thank you Faye. How are you and Marty doing? Just to let you known Teresa is doing well clinically but still has some difficult times as she continues to mend from the Chemo. We give thank to God for all we have. All the best to you, Marty and Ann.
Jay, You are a great writer. Thank you for your message. And Because He Lives We Can Face Tomorrow!!!!!